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Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The Ballyloughane Tide

The Ballyloughane Tide


Where does all the water go?

Does anyone really know?

When out of the bay it flows,

As the sleeping cockles doze.


To where does all the water seep,

When all the world is fast asleep?

To where do you think it might creep,

As out of the bay it does sweep?


Who do you think swims in it now?

And what sort of boats through it plow?

Do you think the fish get lost?

When over the ocean bed they get tossed.


Do you think the squids come home?

Or do they find a new place to roam?

Do you think the oysters lose their pearl,

As over the seabed they do twirl?


Do you think the seaweed clings tight,

To the rocky shore with all its might?

Do you think the eels do fret,

As out of the bay they are swept?


Do you think upon the tides return,

The same water does again churn?

Or do you think that once it adjourns,

This dear old bay it forever spurns?


When it wades back to the shore,

I will walk in it once more.

As across the beach it does lap,

While eager seagulls squeal and yap.


Warrior Princess

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