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Sunday, June 17, 2012

The County Side-Show

The County Side-Show

I sit and I wonder, as I watch the smoke rise,
And I see the sly glance, as you jump to hide.
Why in world, you’d be so daft,
As to indulge yourself, in such a ridiculous craft?
It’ll do you no favours, wherever you go,
And it’ll leave you smelling, like a dirty oul’ ho.
It’ll blacken your teeth and dim your eyes,
And leave you guilty, of considerable lies.
Does your mother know, or your father at that?
Do you think they’d approve and pat your back?
Who do you think it’ll ever impress,
When your lungs are a sodden, cancerous mess?
I’ll tell you the truth, as I loved those sticks,
That they slow you down, those little pricks.
They obscure the thinking, with the shite they contain,
And without you knowing, they create a strain.
So give them up now, before the harm sets in,
Or I’ll tell The Mammy, what accompanied the grin!           

Warrior Princess

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