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Monday, March 21, 2022

Oculi Apollinis

Oculi Apollinis


With the blink of his eyes the clock just stops, and my heart forgets how to beat.

I simply can’t function, not breathe nor think, whenever our eyes meet.

In a vacuum he enchants me as time doth depart, and matter he reduces to naught,

All of everything unknots as I’m caught in this spot, without a care or even a thought.

The words start to blur, all language forgot, ever rife it now eludes me,

Faces and places, their names and fames, and all of my sense doth flee.

I really can’t imagine that whatever might happen, could ever my dreams prevail,

No matter the lessons all throughout of my life, this is one where I fail.

Humans are confusing at the best of times, it is best to observe from afar,

Add the heart to the turmoil, and stir in the soul, and everything just goes bizarre.

I shall take his perfection and sit him on high, and laud his magnificent eyes,

And the glory of his soul, shall I ever extol, and his virtue I’ll always apprize.


Warrior Princess

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