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Friday, January 4, 2019

I shall take out the trash, my Catullus

I shall take out the trash, my Catullus

Oh dear Catullus how my heart does ache,
When the bobolyne plays a game of piss-take,
Duping and deception, her perpetual game,
Your freedom of self, yet again she doth maim.
Setting you up in her web of lies,
Yet your inner wonder she doth continually despise.
Never embracing your marvel of grace,
Ever mendacious and straight to your face.
She inveigles and flatters and ensnares your will,
The helpless damsel is her poisoned pill.
I care not for her masks of gold,
I will forever shred her fraud untold,
She condemns and infects those that I love,
A devious depiction of me she doth shove.
I will stand tall and fight to the end,
For never shall I abandon those I defend.
Those that I love I will never betray,
Even if she manages to lead them astray
Hate me my love, if that is a must,
But this damned bitch, I’ll turn to dust.

Warrior Princess

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