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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Hades hath me

Hades hath me

The empty aching dullness wraps my spine in poison,
Mutating my failing blood to black from crimson.
Dragging the oxygen from my ever smarting lungs,
And twisting the sweetest sentiments upon my tongue.

The self-inflicted torment strikes me raw,
Raking, grazing, scraping, tearing with its ever growing claw.
Sucking out the life within my heart,
Tearing out my sinews a la carte.

The bloodied sputum from my soul spews forth,
The soundless breaking bones lined up as orth.
Demons multiply within the walls,
Bringing forth damnation as the fortress falls.

The rattling tender screeches of the deathly baintsíde,
As she drags her prize away this triumph succeeded.
The breathless hollowed cadaver on the shores of Styx,
The cartilage thereof dear Cerberus licks.

Warrior Princess

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