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Sunday, July 1, 2018

Breathe, Catullus?

Breathe, Catullus?

How can I breathe when my heart is unsheathe?
You cut the line and emptied my mind.

How can I read when I can’t even breathe?
You chewed me up and spat me back.

How can I write when my fingers won’t type?
You rang my heart and wrung my soul.

How can I sing when my soul doth sting?
You stole the light and sold the dark.

How can I live when there’s nothing to give?
You walked away and I must stay.

Oh my Catullus my heart is thwart,
You insist from me you must part.
You’ve taken my heart, my soul, my mind,
And hastily left this shell behind.

Warrior Princess

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