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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Discarded, Catullus

Discarded, Catullus

My Catullus he left me, sitting on a cold, dark pew,
While he ran conspire with that old haggard shrew.
He abandoned me heartily and never looked back,
My soul he hath raided, my heart he hath sacked.

My Catullus he left me, weeping alone,
Wondering what turned his sweet heart to stone.
He abandoned me swiftly and never did care,
My heart he left bleeding, my soul he left bare.

My Catullus he left me, my heart on the floor,
Feeling so foolish for taking this tour.
He abandoned me fecklessly and never thought twice,
My soul he didst plunder, my heart he didst slice.

My Catullus he left me, my spirit a mess,
How could he feed me to such dire distress?
He abandoned me idly and never gave chase,
I was never his leman or his soul’s sweet embrace.

Warrior Princess

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