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Friday, February 21, 2020

Dear Lord.

Dear Lord.

Dear Lord I set my eyes to You,
And pray my prayer might come true,
Please heal my heart and help it mend,
From foolish love, forever it fend.
Please erase this devotion from my soul,
Burn it out like a cancerous mole.
Please let these tears wash away my dreams,
And drown my hopes in their torrential streams. 
Please harden my eyes and turn them to stone,
Let this become their eternal atone.

Dear Lord I set my heart to You,
And pray my prayer might come true,
Please make my life a living slumber,
Until into my cold grave I finally lumber.
Rid me of my ludicrous thoughts,
And let me accept they’re nothing but knots.
Rid me of this childish endeavour,
Seeking love that will last forever.
Rid me of this pathetic stinging heart,
Crucified with a thousand nettled darts.

You’ve taken my heart, dear Lord, and crushed it,
And proven my prayers and hopes unfit,
You’ve taken my soul as a personal plaything,
And mercilessly my spirit You forcefully wring,
You’ve shown me, dear Lord, how valueless my life,
By cutting my heart like the blade of a knife,
You’ve let it be known that my worship is failing,
And that my entreaties to You are nothing but wailing.
I accept that I’m nothing and never beloved,
And onto the shelf I shall ever be shoved.

Warrior Princess

1 comment:

  1. Dear Warrior Princess

    Princess I set my eyes on you,
    And heard you long before you pray'd –
    I'll heal your heart and do it all.
    So long, Princess, you've blanked out my call,
    I devoted my life to save your soul,
    I took your sin at the place of Skull,
    Poured out my blood to wash it all away,
    Stricken, smitten and afflicted of God for your sins,
    Soften your eyes, your heart and turn to me,
    Let this become your eternal atone.

    Princess I set my heart on you,
    I long to give you all good things,
    A life of joyous walk with Me,
    Until to heaven I finally bring you.
    Just trust Me – Jesus – God the Saviour
    And put your faith in My finished work,
    Grace by works is foolish endeavour,
    My love for you will last forever.
    Satan stung you, I can heal you
    No cross for you, I suffered there.

    Princess, I did not crush your heart – another did,
    Make me the object of your hopes and prayers.
    Your soul is NOT my toy – I paid the price in blood,
    And bore God's merciless penalty for sin,
    Thus my blood can cleanse from every stain.
    My friend betrayed me – well I know that pain!
    I yearn your worship in spirit and in truth.
    Your entreaties to me are heard, will you now hear me?
    You are beloved – why else would I for you, die?
    Don't stay there on that shelf but come to me.
