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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

1 year 47 minutes

1 year 47 minutes

The all of God contained within the 47 minutes of the never ending contented Mass,
Wherein the story of a life or two wert told with the sombre pleas and benediction of the never ending foretold lass.
The ever vacant mirth of the doleful supplication shattered in the pious coloured glass,
Whereupon the tales of their ever-failing obsecration doth the vibrant seams of endless worriment amass.

The all of a wink contained within the 47 minutes of the never ending year of hope,
Wherein the story of a life or two wert told with the giddy heart and overfilled soul of the never ending retold dope.
The sparkling depths of despair rest contentedly in the bosom of the soul’s vacant scope,
Whereupon the tales of its ever-softening velvet noose strings tightly like the ever withering anapaestic trope.

The all of us contained within the 47 minutes of single heart beat’s song,
Wherein the story of a life or two wert told with the discombobulated apperception of the souls of two as one.
The loss of time and life within the era of the seconds sacrificed up to the fun,
Whereupon the hearts’ were rent upon the soul’s misshapen briars wrought from the devil’s burning prong

The all of nothing contained within the 47 minutes of the never ending year of doom,
Wherein the story of a life or two wert told with the giggles and raucous laughter of the never ending untold gloom.
The shadows of its sunlight bit by the sweetest melancholy of the hearts delighted tomb,
Whereupon the tales of their withered and decrepit happiness grow like the ever festering springtime bloom.

Warrior Princess

Monday, May 6, 2019

Claddaghed Lamentations

Claddaghed Lamentations

In the haze of the rays of the sun’s dying phase,
I miss the blaze of the maze that thine eye displays.
I miss the tone of the drone of thine exaggerated groan,
As thou intone and rezone thine endeavours yet unsewn.

In the glare of the flare of the e’ens cooling air,
I miss the care of the prayer slipping thy stare.
I miss the joys of the noise of thine logical ploys,
As thou employs with a poise, making egos envoys.

In the ease of the breeze of dusk’s cool wheeze,
I miss the tease of the sprees thine mind doth seize.
I miss the spiel of the zeal of thine mooted appeal,
As thou reveal the ideal to the point of surreal.

In the depth of the death of the day’s last breath,
I miss the coquet that beset the heart’s duet.
I miss the fires of desire that thine soul transpires,
As thou acquire and rewire my being entire.

In the ways of the strays that love hath razed,
I, disowned and dethroned, hath become a discarded rib bone.
In thine snare, I despair at the ache I can’t bear,
At the boy who deployed and my heart destroyed.

In the disease of the lees of thine ardour’s freeze,
I repeal at thine heel as before thy mercy I kneel.
I am beset that we met and consumed with regret,
At the squire that conspired and my soul retired.      

Warrior Princess