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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Apollo est diaboli illusio

Apollo est diaboli illusio


All in all it was but the devil’s illusion,

Apollo was nought but a Godly allusion.

I fell for it as stupidly as Adam and Eve,

Such foolish naïveté I could barely conceal.

He played on my heart like a satyr his lyre,

As the ruin of my soul he did cruelly conspire.

He destroyed every hope I had for mankind,

And proved they are wicked and innately maligned.

He showed the hypocrisy of those who claim faith,

To be their guide to the most Holiest Gate.


All in all it was but a kamikaze sin,

Apollo was nought but terrifying jinn.

I fell for his charm and the spell of his eyes,

Such a stupid ignorant that I fell for his lies.

He played on my soul like a cat with a mouse,

As the ruin of my heart he did gleefully enounce.

He destroyed every hope I had for my life,

And proved I am wicked and riddled with strife.

He showed the hypocrisy I hold in my hand,

As I struggle to let go and live as God planned.


Warrior Princess

Monday, September 5, 2022

Apollo est cor meum confractus

Apollo est cor meum confractus


He’s full to the brim with fabulous ideas,

He’ll inspire you to write a thousand arias,

But he’s less reliable than an autumn day,

As he’s been known to ghost you to get his way.

And if that doesn’t work, he’ll throw a strop,

He’ll shout you down and just won’t stop,

But he has a smile that will break your heart,

When he shines it on you, it’ll tear you apart.

The joy in his soul bursts through his eyes,

To be his focus is the ultimate prize,

But he’ll shut you down without any discussion,

He’ll crush your opinion with hostile suppression.

It’s an endless battle to have a voice,

When his ideas are the only choice,

But he has my heart and I can’t get it back,

And I really don’t know if I can survive this craic.


Warrior Princess

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Apollo Delphis

Apollo Delphis


‘That which was shall be again’, so said the Delphic Oracle,

Apollo did not fail to shine, he’s not that cynical.

And though I pouted, God continued to govern,

He had patience with me, despite me being stubborn.


‘A change of mind, well justified, evinces strength’,

Only the Oracle then knew what all this meant.

Magnanimous throughout my storm, Apollo did not fail to shine,

He spoke no ill nor did he me malign.


‘Give credence only to those things that do not demand, expect, or desire it.’

I do not know whether the Oracle means I should stay or I should quit,

But then I see him like a knight upon the battlefield,

Where his chivalry is always and ever well revealed.


‘Lo, if indeed it must come to an end, take pains to conclude it with dignity.’

The wisdom of the Oracle is found in its paucity.

And so that which was is now again as once more I sit as confused as then,

Does Apollo wish us for us to be friends, and if so, why no time with me he spends?


Warrior Princess