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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

How can I, Catullus?

How can I, Catullus?

How can I find thee, when there’s no road to thine heart?

How can I get there, when the shadows won’t part?

How can I talk to thee, when thou cannot hear me?

How can I speak, when thine listening doth flee?

How can I hold thee, when thou walk me by?

How can I reach thee, when all thou dost is sigh?

How can I love thee, when thou dost not care?

How can I breathe, when thou steal’s mine air?

How can I live, when thou poisoned my world?

How can I leave thee, my Catullus impearled?

Warrior Princess

Shadows, Catullus

Shadows, Catullus

Alas dearest Catullus, thou hast left me in the dark,
I hold the candle, thou held the spark.

I fear I must leave this now darkened way,
The Lady remains silent, She has nothing to say.

The shadows they chase me, their eternal pursuit,
Turning dreams into nightmares, their deaths they salute.

Mine heart it hast broken, it is now past repair,
The loss of thine love hath become my despair.

My soul is stood still; its light has been quenched,
It melts into shadows, in darkness it’s drenched.

Warrior Princess

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Discarded, Catullus

Discarded, Catullus

My Catullus he left me, sitting on a cold, dark pew,
While he ran conspire with that old haggard shrew.
He abandoned me heartily and never looked back,
My soul he hath raided, my heart he hath sacked.

My Catullus he left me, weeping alone,
Wondering what turned his sweet heart to stone.
He abandoned me swiftly and never did care,
My heart he left bleeding, my soul he left bare.

My Catullus he left me, my heart on the floor,
Feeling so foolish for taking this tour.
He abandoned me fecklessly and never thought twice,
My soul he didst plunder, my heart he didst slice.

My Catullus he left me, my spirit a mess,
How could he feed me to such dire distress?
He abandoned me idly and never gave chase,
I was never his leman or his soul’s sweet embrace.

Warrior Princess

Thursday, August 2, 2018

On the banks of the Styx

On the banks of the Styx

I used to play in those meadows once,
I know who belongs there, I’m not a dunce.
I loved the air, the flowers, their fragrance,
I could feel God’s warmth in their ethereal essence.
I could run and play and stare at the sky,
The angels were there just out of sight of my eye.
I could roll down the slopes with no fear of a stone,
For I knew that Our Lord would not leave me alone.

I walked across the clear forest lake,
My ever next footstep my eternal mistake.
Enchanted it sparkled with the viridian hues,
The Naiads enticed me then trapped me in shoes.
Alone and abandoned on the shores of the Styx,
Cerberus approaching as his lips he licked.
I fled to this land so barren and bare,
Where nothing is pure, not even the air.

The people are nasty; the babies all dead,
Their own dear mothers crushing their head.
Their limbs torn asunder; discarded as waste,
Our Lady doth weep; it’s an earthly disgrace.
The disabled and elderly are pushed to the side,
While people across nations do plot their demise.
Life is by invite, death is by choice,
The defenceless are robbed of their silent voice.

Money and mayhem, destruction and debt,
All are the trophies of this kingdom’s jetset.
Plunder and pillage are their eternal goal,
Gaia they destroyed, her heart they stole.
Gone are the oceans so deep and so rich,
Choked by humanity being a bitch.
Gone are the jungles with their hearts so pure,
For humanity’s indulgence knows no cure.

I sit and I look at this ever bleak world,
And wonder how hope could ever unfurl.
I look at the meadows from whence I came,
And ponder the joys of a life without shame.
I look at the children enclosed in their care,
And I pray in this torture they never will share.
I will take out the Naiads one by one,
So that for ever again they can deceive none.

Warrior Princess